How to Cope with Pet Loss

Losing a pet can be one of the hardest things for a family to go through. Having a pet be a part of the family before losing them is a very difficult moment in life. On the bright side, there are some great ways to work through your grieving so you can work on coping with pet loss.

Acknowledging your grief, just like with any loss, is the start of being able to move on from it. Allowing yourself to feel your mourning fully and process their passing will make it easier to reminisce on the life they had.

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Being able to acknowledge their loss in your life will allow you to breathe easier.

Writing about your feelings may make the process easier as well. Taking a moment each day to journal your feelings, either in a diary, notebook, or even an email sent to yourself, may make it easier to process your feelings and the loss of your pet.

Preparing a memorial for your pet will help with honoring their memory. This way, your pet will still have a presence in your household. This will help anyone who is struggling over the absence of them in your home.

With the loss of any pet, it will be difficult for the family. Use these tips to help move through the grief properly.


Questions to Ask During Animal Hospital Appointments

Veterinarians are trained not only in treating cats, dogs, and other domesticated animals, but also their owners. It is common for owners to be just as scared as the animals are when visiting the vet, out of concern that something is dreadfully wrong with their animal. At your animal hospital appointments, you should always ask as many questions as possible to help you understand your pet’s situation.

Does my pet need bloodwork? Knowing whether your cat or dog will need routine bloodwork is important to know before arriving at the appointment.

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Often, these services will raise the cost of your appointment by a couple hundred dollars.

Can I use any over-the-counter products to treat my pet? Chances are, if you’re using an over-the-counter insect repellent or medication, it may be virtually ineffective. Over time, fleas and insects gain immunity to these substances and render them useless over a few years. With that in mind, always trust the latest developments prescribed by your vet.

Will I need to bring in a fecal sample? If your vet needs to look at your pet’s stool during the appointment, you should know beforehand whether you need to supply one. Asking this before the meeting can ensure nobody wastes their time and your pet can be properly assessed for parasites or infection.

How to Make Pet Safe Weed Killer

No one likes dealing with weeds, but they are an unfortunate reality of gardening. Not only do they rob your plants of nutrients and water, but they can also make your garden look messy and unkempt. If you have pets, the problem is even worse. Many weed killers contain harmful chemicals that can be toxic to animals. Fortunately, there is a solution. With a few simple ingredients, you can make a pet-safe weed killer that will get rid of weeds without harming your furry friends. If you’re looking for a way to take care of those pesky weeds without putting your pets at risk, read on for how to make pet safe weed killer.

1. Boiling Water

While this may not look like much in terms of how to make pet safe weed killer, it is effective. Start by estimating how much water you will need to cover the weeds completely. Bring the water to a boil and carefully pour it over the weeds. If you have a large area to cover, you may need to do this in batches, and you may also need to use a pot or kettle with a spout. Be careful not to splash the boiling water on yourself or your pets.

While this method is effective, it does have a few drawbacks. First, boiling water will kill anything in its path, not just weeds. This means that you must be careful not to pour it on any other plants. Second, boiling water can damage certain types of pavement or stone, so be careful not to pour it on your patio or driveway. Finally, this method only works on small weeds. You’ll need to look for another solution if you have bigger weeds. However, if you have a small weed problem and your pets are out of the way, boiling water is a great way to eliminate weeds without harming your animals.

2. Vinegar Weed Killer

Vinegar is a great pet safe weed killer because it’s non-toxic and effective. You can use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, but white vinegar is usually cheaper and just as effective. However, you don’t need to go shopping for special vinegar. The kind you have in your kitchen will work just fine.

How It’s Made:

The first step is to fill a spray bottle with vinegar. You’ll want to use a bottle that has a good nozzle so that you can get a fine mist. If you’re using apple cider vinegar, you can dilute it with water. For every cup of vinegar, add one cup of water. This will help to prevent the vinegar from damaging your plants. Once you’ve mixed the vinegar and water, add a tablespoon of dish soap. This will help the mixture stick to the weeds.

Now all you need to do is spray the mixture on the weeds. Be sure to coat them completely and try to avoid getting any on your other plants. The Vinegar Weed Killer will kill the weed within 24 hours but may take up to a week for the plant to completely die. Remember, you can always respray if necessary.

Besides weed control, vinegar can also control fleas, ticks, and other pests. It can also be used as a natural cleaner around your home. So, if you’re looking for a multipurpose product that is safe for your pets, vinegar is a great choice.

3. Lemon Oil

There is a possibility you have all the ingredients for how to make pet safe weed killer in your kitchen already. Lemons are not only great for cooking and baking but can also be used as a weed killer. All you need is lemon oil and water. But before looking at how to make this weed killer let’s look at what lemon oil is.

Lemon oil is a concentrated form of lemon juice. It’s made by pressing the peel of the lemon to release the oils and then boiling down the liquid to create a concentrate. This concentrate can be used in many different ways, including as a weed killer.

Lemon oil can be found at most health food stores or online. It’s important to get 100% pure lemon oil, as some products that claim to be lemon oil may only be diluted with water or other oils.

How It’s Made:

To make this weed killer, you’ll need one cup of lemon oil and one gallon of water. Mix these two ingredients together in a large bucket and then pour the mixture into a sprayer. Be sure to shake the mixture well before each use.

Now you’re ready to spray the lemon oil weed killer on your weeds. The mixture will need to be reapplied every few days or after it rains. This weed killer is most effective on small weeds that are just starting to grow.

Lemon oil is a great choice for pet safe weed killers because it’s non-toxic and effective. It does not harm your topsoil, and it can be used against a wide variety of weeds. This includes certain types of grass weeds, broadleaf weeds, and even some types of vines.

4. Corn Gluten Meal

Corn gluten meal is a natural weed killer that is safe for both pets and humans. It’s made from the dried gluten that is left over from milling corn. This gluten is then turned into a powder and sold as a weed killer.

How It’s Made:

Corn gluten meal works by preventing the weed seeds from germinating. This means the weed never has a chance to grow and take over your garden. Corn gluten meal is most effective when applied in early spring before the weeds have a chance to sprout. However, given that this weed killer primarily works by preventing germination, it may not be effective on already established weeds.

Corn gluten meal can also help your landscaping efforts as it will provide some nitrogen to your soil. This is especially beneficial if you have a lawn that is starting to look yellow and unhealthy.

However, it is important to note that corn gluten meal can cause allergies in certain pets. If you have a pet prone to allergies, it’s best to avoid using this weed killer.

How It’s Made:

You can find corn gluten meals at most gardening stores or online. To use it, add the desired amount of corn gluten meal to your soil and then water it. It’s important to apply corn gluten meal before you plant your garden, as it needs time to work its way into the soil.

It can also be used as part of your tree care routine as it will help keep the roots of your trees healthy. Simply add one pound of corn gluten meal per inch of trunk diameter around the base of your tree.

5. Clove Oil

When looking at how to make pet safe weed killer, you may not think to look in your spice cabinet. But clove oil can actually be used as an effective weed killer. Clove oil is a natural herbicide that is derived from the cloves of the clove plant. It has a richly sweet and spicy scent that many people enjoy. This comes from the eugenol that is found in cloves. Eugenol is also what gives clove oil its weed killing properties.

How It’s Made:

You’ll start by heating one cup of water to make this weed killer. Once the water is boiling, add one tablespoon of clove oil. Stir, then remove the mixture from heat and let it cool. Once it’s cooled, pour it into a spray bottle and apply it to your weeds. Be sure to shake the mixture well before each use.

This weed killer is most effective on young weeds that are just starting to sprout. It can also be used to eliminate breadloaf grass and other grass weeds without affecting other plants in your garden.

6. Salt

Salt is a common household item that can also be used as an effective weed killer. This is because salt is a desiccant, which means it dries out plants by absorbing the water in their cells. This will eventually kill the plant.

How to Make It:

To make salt weed killer, simply dissolve one cup of salt in two cups of boiling water. Once the salt has dissolved, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and apply it to your weeds. Salt can also be applied directly to the weed. However, be careful not to apply it to other plants in your garden as it will kill them as well.

If the weeds you are trying to get rid off are in your driveway or sidewalk, you can also use salt to kill them. Simply sprinkle the salt on the cracks in the concrete and repeat as necessary. Just be sure not to use too much salt as it can damage the environment.

However, even as you consider using salt as a weed killer, remember that your pets may be attracted to the salty taste. So, if you have pets, keep them away from any areas you have treated with salt. But, if you suspect your pet has ingested excess salt, give it plenty of fresh water to drink and immediately contact an animal hospital.

7. Rubbing Alcohol-Based Weed Killer

Even as you look at how to make pet safe weed killer, you may not think to look in your medicine cabinet. But rubbing alcohol can actually be used as an effective weed killer. This is because rubbing alcohol is a desiccant, which means it dries out plants by absorbing the water in their cells. This will eventually kill the plant.

How to Make It:

To make this weed killer, you’ll need to start by mixing one part rubbing alcohol with two parts water. Once the mixture is combined, pour it into a spray bottle and apply it to your weeds. However, you can also mix it with vinegar to create an even more effective weed killer. This can be used on weeds that have proved resistant to other methods.

To use this weed killer, simply spray it on the leaves of your weeds. The alcohol will then work to kill the plant by drying it out. If you notice there are still some weeds remaining, you can reapply the mixture as necessary.

Other than being an effective weed killer, rubbing alcohol can also be used to kill fleas, ants, and other pests. So, if you have a problem with any of these pests, be sure to give this method a try.

Just be careful when using rubbing alcohol as it is flammable. So, be sure to keep it away from any open flames. You should also avoid spraying it on hot days as the heat can cause the mixture to evaporate too quickly.

Other Pet Safe Weed Killers

While looking at how to make a pet safe weed killer, it’s important to remember that there are also many other ways to get rid of weeds without mixing or spraying any chemicals. Here are a few other options to consider.

Pulling Weeds by Hand:

This is probably the most labor-intensive method, but it is also the safest for your pets. Simply pull the weed up by its roots and dispose of it in a garbage bag. This method works best on young weeds that have not had a chance to spread their seeds.

It can be difficult to remove all of the roots, which is why some weed seeds may remain in the soil. However, if you pull the weed regularly, the chances of them germinating and growing will greatly reduce.


Mulching is another great way to prevent weeds from growing in your garden. Mulch is a layer of material that is placed over the topsoil to prevent light and water from reaching the weed seeds. This will prevent them from germinating and growing.

You can purchase mulch from your local garden center or make your own by composting leaves, grass clippings, and other organic materials. Simply spread a layer of mulch over your garden bed and around your plants. You should reapply the mulch every few months as it will eventually break down. Mulch can also be used to disguise newly planted bulbs from animals like squirrels which may try to dig them up.

There you have it — a list of how to make pet safe weed killer that can be used in your garden. Be sure to experiment with different methods to find the one that works best for you and your pet. And, if you suspect any of these methods has harmed your pet, be sure to take them to an animal treatment center as soon as possible.

The Best Way to Train a Dog

Dogs are great at bonding with humans. If you ask any veterinarian about your dog, they will say that they build a life-long bond with their human. It is important to start building this bond when they are young.

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This is also the best time to teach a dog how to be obedient or how to do tricks. In this video, you will learn how to train a young dog.

First, you will want to undivided attention of your pup. This can be difficult when there is a world ready for them to explore. What you will want to do is have them associate a reward such as food or a toy with focusing on you. This will make them easier to train later. To do this, start by giving the dog an award anytime it looks in your direction. You should also combine this award with a simple word such as “yes.” This will make the pup also associate this word with reward. This makes the connection stronger and allows you to use this word in the future when they do something right. It may even work without food in the future if you just use the reward word.


Could Leasing a Horse Save You Money?

Horses are expensive. The cost of a horse itself can be disheartening. However, you also need to factor in the costs to take care of. This includes animal health care costs and food costs. Is there any way to have the joy of owning a horse without the hassle of these expensive costs? In this video, you will find out.

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Leasing a horse may sound like a great idea. However, it will only save you money under very specific conditions. In general, you will want to avoid leasing and simply buy a horse with cash. The situation where a lease would make sense is if you want to see what it is like to take care of a horse. The money saved only comes into play if you try it and decide to cancel the lease after deciding that it is not for you. This way, you haven’t wasted money on a horse that you will just sell later on. Even so, you could volunteer on a horse farm to get the same experience without having to pay a penny. So, it is really up to you.


What is it Like Working at a Vet Hospital?

As you may know, a huge percentage of young kids dream of being a vet. With so much love for animals, it can be easy to daydream about helping all of the puppies and kitties live a whole and healthy life. However, as we grow up it is obviously not such a black and white profession. Becoming a vet takes a ton of work and schooling, and even the road to being a veterinary technician is a long and arduous one. If you still want to get into animal medicine, it’s crucial to think about where you want to work after you graduate.

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You can work in a rescue, a vet hospital, or animal ER. To help you to make your choice, this video shines a spotlight on what it is like to work in a veterinary hospital.

Working at a vet hospital is no easy time. In fact, you will be on your feet and juggling multiple task at any given time. You will be restraining animals for the head doctor a lot of the time, or seeing to performing basic tasks like vaccines. Additionally, you will be working with a lot of other vets, so getting to know your coworkers is somewhat inevitable.


How Do I Know Which Food is Best For My Puppy?

If you have just recently adopted a puppy, it’s important that you figure out what the best food for puppies is. This way, you can make sure that your puppy is getting the right amount of nutrients it needs to thrive and grow properly. Puppies are just like humans and they need proper nutrition to grow properly.

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Giving your puppy a well rounded diet can do just that. In this video, an expert will go over how you can choose the best food for your puppy.

There are so many different brands of puppy food nowadays that it can be hard to figure out which one is the best for your puppy. Ask your vet and see which ones they recommend. It may also be wise for you to do your research online and see the benefits of different kinds of brands for different types of puppies. You may find that there are ones that would suit your puppy the best. Also, it’s important to look at the list of ingredients to ensure they are getting the right nutrients.

Watch this entire video to learn all about puppy food and find out how you can choose the right dog food for your puppy.


How to Raise a Pet Raccoon 101

Raccoons are some of the trendiest little critters on Tik Tok right now, and before you call the exterminator for your unwelcome houseguest, you should watch this adorable video. Raising raccoons is someone of a fad right now, with hundreds of people sacrificing countless hours to raise and train baby raccoons to live amongst them in the house. If you ever wanted a pet raccoon, 2022 is the perfect year to give it a shot.

With so many tutorials, guides, and raccoon breeders online, a raccoon may just be the perfect addition to your family. In this video, we will look at some beginner’s notes on to how to raise a raccoon.

First of all, a raccoon requires a ton of patience. You will need to be okay with waking up several times a night for the first few months, as well as adjusting your schedule around your raccoon’s waking hours. You also need to check and make sure that your state allows for you to adopt a raccoon. Several states have laws forbidding residents from having a pet raccoon, so do your research. Additionally, you are going to want to find a local vet that treats raccoons before you get one. Any emergencies shouldn’t be prolonged by confusion on where to go.


Keep Your Pets Cool and Save Money

It can get extremely hot in the summer time. Not only do we feel the heat, our pets do as well. Some pets such as Huskies are designed to live in colder climates. They may not be used to the heat of summer. Therefore, it is important to have a cool house for them to retreat to.

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Otherwise, they may be more susceptible to heat exhaustion. This is also compounded by the fact that dogs have less sweat glands than humans do. This means less heat being expelled through evaporation of sweat. In this video, you will learn how to keep your air conditioning system running optimally to keep you and your pet cool, while also saving you money.

The first tip is to make sure nothing is partially blocking your air conditioning unit. Sometimes, downed tree branches, dirt, or other debris will block your air conditioning unit which causes it to have to work much harder. This results in a more expensive cost to cool your house and a compressor that is under a lot of stress. The compressor may even fail entirely over time if the debris is not removed. Therefore, check for debris periodically. If you don’t you may find yourself looking for a good HVAC repair company.


Tips for Calming Your Anxious Dog

Whether you are taking your dog to the animal emergency hospital, or even just for a routine grooming, they may start to shake and whine when you take them towards the building. Some dogs ever get nauseous and vomit from severe anxiety when you take them new places, so it is crucial that you pay careful attention to the warning signs your dog gives of anxiety. In this video, we will look at what truly makes a dog anxious and what you can do to help them while still going about their regular check-ups and groomings.

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First of all, you should expose your puppy to the vet very young. Ask to place them on the scale yourself, to show them that there is nothing to be afraid of. Give them tons of treats and show them that the vet is fun! If you have an older dog, wait for the vet and play with your dog! Make the vet’s office fun, and shower them with love and praise. If you show them that the vet isn’t a scary place, they are much less likely to develop anticipatory anxiety.
