Everyone wants a good-looking website. And everyone wants a polished, professional website that can wow potential clients and customers from their very first visit. That’s especially helpful given the studies that show the average user makes up his or her mind within approximately 90 seconds of visiting any web page. But building a professional website takes time, and time is something entrepreneurs don’t tend to have a whole lot of.
As such, the process of creating a business’ brand new site can become a bit of a shuffle. You hire a top web design team, load up on professional photographers and customize your marketing plan carefully before anything goes live. In the middle of all those preparations, though, a few notable details can be forgotten. Namely, the question of crafting high-quality content to load up your blog might be passed over in favor of other glossier details (like navigation or general layout).
Worse yet, you might be tempted to write only for a small audience as opposed to the internet at large. As Google’s Matt Cutts recently reminded us in a web video, “If you’re erring on the side of clarity and on the side of something that’s going to be understandable, you’ll be in much better shape because regular people can get it.”
In other words, you might be selling some kind of product or service that so-called “regular” folks wouldn’t necessarily understand at first glance. But that’s no reason to become completely esoteric with your word choices and content ideas when pumping out pieces to your blog. Instead, Cutts argues, it’s imperative that you create new web pages full of prose that shines with clarity and concision instead of industry-specific marketing-speak and mundane jargon.
Need proof? Listen again to Cutts’ words. “If you’re saying something important but you can’t get it across, then sometimes you never get across in the first place, and it ends up falling on deaf ears,” the Google Webspam team leader suggested late last month.
But what does Matt Cutts have to do with understanding how to build your website most effectively? One word: marketing.
You’ll never reach every single person on the internet, but that’s not what’s important. (In fact, you’ll go broke even attempting to do that.) Instead, make your site’s information as clear-cut and cohesive as possible, providing the best possible information to potential clients in your field as well as folks out in the world at large, for lack of a better phrase.
Say you sell spare vacuum cleaner parts. Only a small, select group of people on the web are going to understand the exact language of machine pieces involving vacuums, so don’t load up your blog posts with only that kind of vocabulary. Try to branch out using everyday terms and break down the process to folks who are new to the industry. That’s the best way to get them into your line of sight as potential clients.
As Matt Cutts said, keep it simple. You’ll be facing challenges at every term, but the more you understand how to craft your blog — a marketing tool that studies show increases your company’s indexed pages in Google by 434% — the better off you’ll be in the online marketplace. Continue: vethubs.com