Heroic Cat Saves Four Year Old Boy From Vicious Dog Attack


“By now, you’ve probably seen the security footage showing one family’s-tough-as-nails-cat saving a four-year-old boy from a dog attack in their driveway,” WSAZ writes. “The video went viral and as a result the cat, Tara is an instant hero.” Tara is challenging the long-held notion that dogs are man’s best friend. The feline hero shows cats can be just as loyal, and perhaps even more fierce.

Cat Stuns Millions By Saving Young Boy From Dog Attack

Tara scared away a vicious pup who had grabbed four year old Jeremy Triantafilo, sinking his teeth into the young boy’s leg. Experts agree that Tara’s heroic behavior is not atypical. “They [cats] develop such a strong attachment to their owners, that they’re much more likely to kick in to a fight, rather than a flight, scenario,” Animal