The Top Three Ways to Show How Much You Love Your Pet Dog

Dog name tags

We call dogs man’s best friend, but how do we show it? Here are three ways to show how loved your pet dog is:

1. Photos

People often keep photos of their loved ones around the home. Whether it’s an old graduation picture of a child, or a family portrait, or a wedding photo, people like to keep mementos of past events and the loved ones who were there at the time. Why should it be any different for your dog? If anything, it should be more important to record his big events since his life is so much shorter than the typical person’s. About one in three pet owners keep a framed picture of their dog in the home just as they would any other family member. It’s one surefire way to make sure your dog is clearly part of the family.

2. Dog Tags

Just as you buy clothes for yourself and loved ones, your dog can enjoy