I Think My Dog Has A Heartworm Infection What Are The Warning Signs?

You shouldn’t just take your pet to the vet when they get sick. You should be taking preventative measures to make sure they’re always in good health.

The veterinary clinical diagnostics department at your local pet clinic is your first line of defense toward today’s most harmful diseases. They can provide you with a canine heartworm antigen test kit to nip your dog’s condition in the bud before it gets worse. They can determine if your horse is infected with EIAV. They can even provide you with useful tips on spotting certain warning signs and making sure you never have to worry about your pet growing worse right under your nose. Consider marking down a visit on your calendar this year and reap the benefits of a professional diagnosis.

It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your pet’s well-being.<

The Importance Of Regular Veterinarian Appointments For Your Pet

If you own an animal in the United States it is likely that veterinary diagnostics companies will become an important part of your pet’s health at some point. From cats to dogs to horses, regular veterinary visit are a hugely crucial part of any animal’s health maintenance. And with millions of animals currently living in the United States, veterinarians have become more needed and more successful than ever before.

Owning an animal as a pet is a common practice no matter where you go in the United States. From horses (of which there are currently around two million) to dogs and cats, of which there are even more, with a total of nearly eighty million dogs and ninety six million cats, many people find pet ownership to a be a fulfilling part of life. But preventing against illness in you animals is part of responsible pet ownership, from year vet check ups to utilizing veterinary diagnostics co