Every dog loves having that special treat. A dog owner wants to keep their pet happy and healthy. Unfortunately, certain store bought treats aren’t the best for a dog’s stomach. Having a dog is one of the closest bonds humans can have. You’ll want to make sure that your dog has treats that keep them healthy. Knowing what to look for in a dog treat is essential. In this post, you will learn more about the types and benefits of natural dog treats.
What to Look for in a Dog Treat
There are a few criteria you’ll want to to make sure you have for your dog treats. The first is that the treat is safe for dogs. It seems odd but certain dog treats contain ingredients that can harm dogs over time. You want to do everything to keep your furry friend safe. Organic dog treats are meant to be easily digestible for dogs. It’s best to find a natural dog treat company that makes FDA approved products.
The next aspect is that these treats keep your dog busy. You love your dogs but sometimes it’s nice to have them entertained on their own. In addition, owners who leave often will want their dogs to be distracted. A bored dog has nothing to do but think about when you are coming back home. Giving your dog treats including antlers, bully sticks, and bones keep them entertained and busy while you are away. A natural dog treat provides peace of mind for a dog owner.
Research shows that dog treats should only account for around 10 percent of daily calories consumed by a dog. It’s easy to forget how many calories you might be feeding your dog every day. Easily chewable treats will have a dog begging for more. However, a more durable treat will keep them busy and stop the whining for another treat.
In closing, choosing the right dog treat is important. A natural dog treat is a wise decision for any pet. Natural treats contain natural ingredients that are safe and easily digestible for dogs. There are several types of organic dog treats that are available. Antler treats are made from the part of an animal that is shed away each year. These antlers grow rapidly which makes them a humane treat sourcing method. Bully sticks are made from beef and keep dogs busy for hours. Marrow bones are similar to bully sticks. However, attaining the marrow from the bone itself allows dogs to really stay busy.